Lamezia Terme (CZ)
Municipality of Lamezia Terme
Company's Role
Structural “in situ” survey, coordination of “in situ” surveys, structural modeling, preliminary, basic and executive design
Dott. Ing. Andrea Vissani, Dr. Geol. Stefano Giuliani
The role had in the first time the aim to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of the following buildings: Elementary school “Maggiore Perri” (composed main structure R/C – Masonry); elementary school “Barbuto” (R/C main structure); secondary school “Sant’Eufemia Lamezia – Plesso A” (R/C main structure) and elementary school “Via delle Rose” (masonry and R/C main structure).
Later, the role was extended to the basic and executive design in order to achieve the seismic adequacy and the energetic adequacy of all the buildings, except for the building “Maggiore Perri”.
Later, the role was extended to the basic and executive design in order to achieve the seismic adequacy and the energetic adequacy of all the buildings, except for the building “Maggiore Perri”.