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At the systematic start up in Italy of the static and seismic vulnerability checks ratified for public buildings, strategic and otherwise, by Ordinance 3274 of 2003, the ALL INGEGNERIA Technical Study (at the time with the denomination “Antonucci Leoni & Associati”) had already developed a wide range of assessments both in the public and private sectors.

The knowledge in the field of critical survey, structural diagnostics and static and seismic restoration already in the possession of the founders of the Study since the end of the 1980s, has evolved in the last fifteen years in in-depth studies and applications on existing structures, including historical structures of each technology and complexity, up to materializing, even with Quality Certification, in a complete methodological process of maximum competence for all the usual assignment phases.

Historical-critical survey, geometric-structural and material survey, non-destructive and destructive tests, numerical modeling and graphic and documentary returns, are now widely consolidated activities within the ALL INGEGNERIA Technical Study, where figures with different professional skills integrate, phase by phase , each complementary with its own specific in-depth skills.

The sensitivity acquired in the interpretation of the data collected and the investigations carried out also directly through the extensive diagnostic instrumentation available, allows, together with the advanced skills in numerical modeling with maximum reliability software, to always guarantee the most correct reading of the vulnerabilities present with critical interpretations able to allow any public or private client to plan in-depth analyzes or interventions over time according to the different needs of both economic and temporal availability with shared strategies.

Talk to us and find out how we can carry out your project
+39 071 280 02 74
Via 1° Maggio 56/a - 60131 ANCONA – ITALY